David Pisinger

David Pisinger


Department of Technology, Management and Economics

Operations Research Section
Management Science Division

Technical University of Denmark


Building 358, room 143

2800 Kgs. Lyngby

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News from DTU

TDC NET, which connects Denmark via mobile networks and landlines, has 850 technician cars that drive 80,000 kilometers daily, equivalent to two full times around the Earth. The goal is to reduce it by 25 percent by 2025 using far more advanced automated transportation planning.
08 JUN

Artificial intelligence can significantly reduce company driving

Automated planning will help TDC NET's service cars reduce the number of kilometers driven by 25 percent. The solution will later be extended to others with a lot of company driving.

Computer calculations Data analysis Software and programming Mathematical modelling Statistics Transport behaviour Transport economy
Evelien van der Hurk: Photographer: Bax Lindhardt
11 MAY

New model to increase contact possibilities during coronavirus pandemic

A new model will calculate scenarios for how we can have as much contact with each other as possible without increasing the coronavirus transmission rate beyond an acceptable level.

Fotograf Maiken Kestner
01 FEB

DTU researcher receives 2019 Industrial Researcher Prize

Innovation Fund Denmark’s Industrial Researcher Prize is being awarded to Martina Fischetti this year, who developed mathematical optimization models in her industrial PhD.

Energy and supply Wind energy Mathematics Mathematical modelling
27 NOV

Professor David Pisinger modtager Hedorfs Transportpris 2013

Professor David Pisinger fra DTU Management Engineering modtog den 25. november 2013 Hedorfs Fonds Pris for Transportforskning på kr. 75.000.

David Pisinger is nominated as teacher of the year for the third time – “He is just amazing”
01 JUL

David Pisinger is nominated as teacher of the year for the third time – “He is just amazing”

At DTUs annual celebration, teacher of the year was elected by Polytechnical Association and David Pisinger was for the third successive time among the nominated.

DTU focuses on Management Science
27 NOV

DTU focuses on Management Science

1 November 2012, DTU management Engineering welcomed two new professors within the division for Management Science. The two new professors are Stefan Røpke and Jesper Larsen.

06 FEB

New research project at DTU Management Engineering will ensure punctual trains

The Danish Council for Strategic Research has granted DKK 16.8m to a new four-year research project within the area of rail transport. The purpose of the project is to investigate how the railway system can become more punctual and robust and thereby make more people take the train. The title of the project is RobustRailS - Robustness...